The sustainabilty and social responsibility policy of BEE&YOU LIMITED shows its responsibility towards all our employees. Corporate sustainability policy deals with business models and processes based on sustainable future strategies on the basis of enviromental, social and corporate governance with a holistic approach. Our basic principles on which we base our social responsibility practices are as follows:

  • We are committed to creating a reliable, healthy and fair working environment and ethical behavior without any discrimination by ensuring that our employees fully and correctly use all their rights.
  •  By minimizing the danger in our work areas, we provide ethical and legal conditions for our employees to work in a safe and healthy environment.
  • We raise awarness of our employees by regularly training them for their health and safety.
  • We plan working hours and leave days fairly, taking into account the personal rights of our employees. We do not employ them under any circumstances that compel them.
  • Under no circumstances, religion, language, color, gender, politic opinion, age and physical disability etc. among employees within the organization. Reasons cannot be discriminated against and those who do cannot be ignored.
  • Freedom of employees cannot be restricted, we respect their thoughts and opinions and ensure that they work in a harmonious environment.
  • In the field of social responsibility of all our business partners, especially our suppliers, BEE&YOU LIMITED We pay attention to their applications by paying attention to the fact that they act in accordance with the standards of the INC.
  • We do not employ child labor in our factory. We undertake not to work at night or in dangerous conditions before exceeding the working hours of our young workers (interns).
  • Employee and management representatives listen to the requests and complaints of all employees and report them to the management. Complaints are terminated by finding solution methods for necessary issues. A solution is sought by respecting the interests of all parties.
  • We do not engage in unethical non-commercial acts such as corruption and bribery in our business.
  • Reducing Environmental Impacts, Conserving Energy and Natural Resources; We regard it as our priority in our product and process designs, in all our activities, and as one of our most important duties for a sustainable world.

This policy BEE&YOU LIMITED will fulfill all its responsibilities for a better future, its transparency and accountability; undertakes to create a business environment within the framework of respect for international norms of behavior and respect for human rights.



Dr. Aslı Elif Tanuğur Samancı

Founding Partner & CEO
