Propolis Is The Secret Natural Ingredient For Your Health This Autumn

Propolis Is The Secret Natural Ingredient For Your Health This Autumn

Chances are you are familiar with honey and pollen, but you likely have never heard of propolis. It is a natural resinous substance produced by honeybees and is typically used in the construction and repair of their hives. Now, you may be wondering: "Okay, why should I care?

Something that is not widely known about propolis is the fact that it has antimicrobial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties, among other benefits. While it can be used as an ingredient in cosmetics, it has been used for centuries and across cultures primarily to help alleviate cold symptoms and aid in wound closures.

As propolis, or bee glue as it is alternatively known, maintains the beehive healthy and sterile, it also helps to boost immunity, support against allergies, and help maintain healthy blood pressure levels in the human body.


When consumed orally on a regular basis every day, propolis supports respiratory health, immunity, healthy blood sugar levels, and helps remove toxins from the body.

When applied topically, it supports the healing of wounds, sunburns, and herpes and maintains skin health. Due to its high antioxidant properties, it has also been shown to help mitigate the effects of aging caused by sun exposure and to support collagen production.


The benefits of propolis have been well researched beyond centuries of anecdotal evidence, and it has remained a trusted ingredient across many cultures around the globe.

If you are interested in incorporating it into your daily routine, you can consume it in different forms, such as extracts, sprays, tablets, and honey mixtures.

We love Bee and You for all our honey-related options. If you're looking to stock up on your health remedies, consider getting something with propolis in it!


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